Not In Stone

Three Christian clergy from Winnipeg - a pastor, a priest, and minister - chatting about life, faith, and all that good stuff.

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Wednesday Feb 17, 2021

Gwen, Tim, and Tyler continue the conversation on theology in a time of pandemic, engaging themes of hope and rootedness, among other things.  Part 2 of 2.

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021

What theology are we drawing on, or drawn to, during this pandemic time? Gwen, Tim, and Tyler discuss authors, shows, and ideas that are rattling around in their heads, and sustaining them, during this time!  Part 1 of 2.

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021

As faith communities, we have built so much of what we do and who we are around gathering in-person. What happens when we need to keep social distance? What do we do?

Faith as Solidarity

Thursday Feb 04, 2021

Thursday Feb 04, 2021

Gwen, Tim, and Tyler are Christian clergy... does Christianity call its adherents to the margins? And, if so, how is that an alternative (or not) to society?

Why Be Part of Christianity

Thursday Feb 04, 2021

Thursday Feb 04, 2021

Gwen, Tim, and Tyler are Christian clergy... but why would they have anything to do with it, given some of the institution's shady past?They have some conversation about what draws them to the Christian faith in this episode.


Thursday Feb 04, 2021

Thursday Feb 04, 2021

An introduction to this podcast with United Church minister, Tim Crouch (Young United), Anglican priest, Gwen McAllister (St Matthew's Anglican), and Lutheran pastor, Tyler Gingrich (Gloria Dei Lutheran).

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